Chelsea Olivia went to Melbourne and Singapore for holiday

Kamis, 30 September 2010

Glenn Alinskie admitted misses her boyfriend, Chelsea Olivia, who was on holiday abroad. He wants to immediately remove the miss with his lover.

Already more than a week, Chelsea went to Melbourne and Singapore for holiday. However, on Thursday (09/23/2010) Chelsea plan to go home tonight.

"A week is more I have not seen him since he was again abroad. It makes me really miss him. But tonight arrived in Jakarta. Yesterday got to Melbourne and Singapore," Glenn said when met at Persari, Ciganjur, South Jakarta, Thursday (23/09/2010).

Glenn expressed his impatience to see the idol of the heart. He said he wanted to remove the longing and collect souvenirs.

"I wanted to quickly finish (filming) because a hurry to see you.'ve Really missed and nagih by-by," said the man was born October 19, 1988.

During their stay abroad, Glenn does not stop contact Chelsea. Almost every single hour that Glenn called his girlfriend.

"Every hour we always communication and communication is always smooth," said Glenn sumringah.

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